
Here is a little background on one of the owners

My Journey from College Dropout, Textile Mill Worker, Busboy, Near Bankrupt to Eventually Successful Entrepreneur and Real Estate Investor

In 1995, I was a college dropout working in a textile mill handing out parts to mechanics who fix the looms when they break down. I was making a total of $7.00 an hour. My mother was obviously quite worried and thinking I had lost my mind.

I should rewind a bit, and tell you I was a straight A student in college and studying to become a History professor. I didn’t have any money so I had to earn top grades to have any chance at a scholarship to graduate school.

One day during my Senior year, a book by Anthony Robbins called “Awaken the Giant Within” fell into my hands. I had just started reading motivational and success books and this one changed my life. I realized what I wanted to do with my life was to become an entrepreneur and businessman.

So I studied and pondered and really thought it through carefully…and quit school my last semester of college. I quickly realized that I had to earn money to eat and not sleep in a cardboard box and found my way to this textile mill in Danville, VA.

I ended up finding another book on rehabbing houses in a bookstore which gave me a direction. I quit Dan River Mills, the textile mill, and moved to Florida to invest in real estate. It took me 4 years of bouncing around different jobs as waiter, busboy, industrial supply salesmen, and leasing agent to finally start my own business.

During that time, I bought 15 rentals with the whole “No Money Down” strategy and nearly went bankrupt. What they don’t tell you on those midnight infomercials is that the only properties you can get for “no money down” are properties with huge problems that the owner can’t solve and he just wants to dump the whole project.

Eventually, I started a business renting apartments with a partner that grew to 23 employees and made Inc Magazine’s “Inc 500 List” for the 500 fastest growing privately owned companies in America. We made that list 2 years in a row in 2004 and 2005. I personally own a bunch of rentals and manage other properties for my clients. I enjoy being a landlord which I have learned is a rare feeling. It gives me a lot of satisfaction keeping my clients rentals full and profitable while at the same time providing quality housing for my tenants.

Best regards,

David Lowrey


 Group Photo Shrunk 2019

                                                               (Here is a picture of our company staff in 2024)

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Stress Free Property Management
11307 Laurel Brook Court
Riverview, FL 33569

Phone: 813-386-5922

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Stress Free Property Management
401 E Jackson St Suite 2340,
Tampa, FL 33602

Phone: 813-386-5922

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